Dominique & Daniel - St. Matthew's Church & St. Pierre Park Hotel

One of my most anticipated weddings ever, not just because of the covid postponements but also because I knew this event was always going to be a bit special.

One of the most creative couples I know and I have always admired Dominique’s design work. This wedding was her chance to show off a lot of that talent.

WIth so many people all getting ready in one place there was a lot going on, but everyone was ready nicely on time.

Military vehicles were an unusual mode of transport to St. Matthew’s Church!

Dominique was walked into the church and up the aisle in a relay with her two brothers in law and lastly her brother Mark. Reverend Gillian Nobes conducted a wonderful ceremony, full of laughter and emotion.

A quick stop in the park on the way to the reception.

Emma Joy from Joy’s Production, had decorated the dining room to spectacular effect. Dominique’s reaction said it all! Well done to Emma and her team. Dominique’s sisters had also made the cake, another labour of love. So intricately detailed and with a screen displaying the beautiful engagement pictures we took of Dominique & Daniel.

Speeches were so touching, lots of emotion, and humour too.

Just when everyone thought the speeches were all over - Dominique took to the stage, accompanied by Lydia Pugh, she sang a song she had written to Daniel, undoubtedly the most poignant moment of the day!

A great first dance then everyone took to the dance floor, with the band The Honest Crooks providing the entertainment.

What a remarkable day! There were great expectations for this day, I am sure these were surpassed.

Congratulations Dominique & Daniel.